

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tips of Being Awesome #3


Ok here's the next tips.

Tips of Being Awesome #3: Control our focus

We tend to get easily distracted with something that we think is important but is not. Take a moment and recall back, in a day what is the thing that occupy our mind the most. Is it really important? It's an individual decision.

Here let's talk as a Muslim. As a Muslim, our priority is only one. Allah. His blessings, His forgiveness, His love. These are the most important thing in a Muslim's life. We know that this world is just a station before we reach our final destination, and for us to arrive at our final destination successfully, we need Allah's forgiveness, blessings and love. Yeah we do.

Unfortunately, the mind does not revolve around this matter frequent enough. If we like a guy or a girl, we tend to think about them almost every minute. What is he doing? Will I meet her today? Does he like me? What does she think of me? Or, if we are very obsessed with a movie or a game, we just could not stop thinking about it. Well, I think this is not awesome.

Let's control our focus and aim only for Allah.

Hey that does not mean we should not think of our family, career, work, future etc. We have to think about it but in a different way. Connect them all to Allah. Find a reason to gain Allah's blessings in all these aspects. Do the best in each one. Focus.

May Allah helps us to purify our mind.
Innsyaa Allah.