

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Sunnah Rasulullah Amalan Terbaik: Dalam Situasi Tertentu

1. Menghadirkan niat yang baik dalam segala amalan

Segala amalan yang diharuskan seperti makan, tidur, bekerja mencari rezeki dan lain-lain boleh menjadi suatu ibadah dan ketaatan kepada Allah. Ini jikalau diniatkan kerana Allah.
Rasulullah s.a.w. menyatakan:
"Sesungguhnya segala amalan itu bergantung pada niat."
(Imam Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Ibadah yang mudah tapi mudah juga dilupakan. Mari berazam untuk berniat mencari redha Allah dalam setiap rutin harian kita. Pahala ibadah pun dapat, pahala ikut sunnah Rasulullah pun dapat. Bijak bijakk. Hehe ;)

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Rapuh by Opick

Detik waktu terus berjalan
Berhias gelap dan terang
Suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
Tergores bagai lukisan

Seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
Hadir bagai teman sejati
Di antara lelahnya jiwa
Dalam resah dan air mata
Kupersembahkan kepadaMu
Yang terindah dalam hidupku

Meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
Kadang tak setia kepadaMu
Namun cinta dalam jiwa
Hanyalah padaMu


Thursday 10 September 2015

Sunnah Rasulullah Amalan Terbaik: Ketika Memakai Kasut

Sunnah Rasulullah ketika memakai kasut:

1. Memakai kasut dimulai dengan kaki kanan

2. Menanggalkan kasut dimulai dengan kaki kiri

3. Tidak memakai hanya sebelah kasut sahaja. Memakai kedua-dua belah atau menanggalkan kedua-duanya

Sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam:

 “Jika salah seorang daripada kamu mengenakan kasut, hendaknya ia mendahulukan kaki kanan. Sedang jika ia menanggalkannya, sewajarnya ia mendahulukan kaki kiri. Juga, semestinya ia memakai kedua-keduanya, atau justeru melepaskan keduanya sekaligus.” -HR Muslim

Berapa banyak kali dalam sehari kita memakai dan menanggalkan kasut? Banyak kali kan? Bayangkan jika setiap kali itu kita mengikut cara nabi dan berniat untuk mencontohi sunnah Rasulullah, banyak pahala tu kan hihi. InsyaAllah.

Selamat beramal! :)

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Friday 14 August 2015

Sunnah Rasulullah Amalan Terbaik: Ketika Masuk dan Keluar dari Bilik Mandi

Sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W. ketika masuk dan keluar dari bilik mandi:

1. Masuk ke bilik mandi dengan melangkah kaki kiri dan keluar darinya dengan melangkah kaki kanan

2. Membaca doa ketika masuk ke dalam bilik mandi
"Ya Allah, aku berlindung dengan-Mu daripada syaitan jantan dan syaitan betina."
(Hadis direkodkan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

3. Membaca doa ketika keluar dari bilik mandi
"Aku mengharapkan keampunan-Mu."
(Hadis dilaporkan oleh Ashabus Sunan)

Selamat beramal! :)

Thursday 13 August 2015

Sunnah Rasulullah Amalan Terbaik: Ketika Bangun Tidur

Assalamualaikum :)

Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan untuk memiliki buku 24 Jam dalam Kehidupan Rasulullah S.A.W. Dah lama cari buku macam ni nak dijadikan rujukan. Iye lah, Allah dah bagi contoh terbaik manusia untuk dijadikan teladan tapi taknak kaji atau ikut lagi, tak ke pelik tu. Hihi.

Di sini saya nak kongsikan antara amalan-amalan yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W. yang terdapat di dalam buku ni.

Okay kali ini kita tengok sunnah-sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W ketika bangun tidur.

1. Menyapu kesan-kesan tidur pada muka dengan tangan
Imam An-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Hajar merekodkan, sunat menyapu kesan-kesan tidur yang terlekat pada muka dengan menggunakan tangan apabila bangun daripada tidur. Ini berdasarkan pada hadis Rasulullah S.A.W.:
"Rasulullah S.A.W. bangun daripada tidur, lalu Baginda duduk sambil menyapu kesan-kesan tidur pada wajahnya." (Hadis direkodkan oleh Imam Muslim)

2. Membaca doa bangun daripada tidur

"Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah menghidupkan kami selepas Dia mematikan kami (tidur) dan kepadaNya kami akan dibangkitkan." (Hadis direkodkan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari)

3. Bersugi

"Rasulullah S.A.W apabila bangun daripada tidur, Baginda menggosok giginya menggunakan siwak (kayu sugi)." (Hadis direkodkan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
*Kayu sugi ni dengan mudah boleh didapati di Mydin hihi. Alhamdulillah dapat rasa nikmat bersugi, rasa mulut lebih segar dan nyaman. Di samping niat nak capai redha Allah dengan ikut sunnah Nabi, dapat pula rasa kesegaran selepas bersugi. Haa rugi kalau tak amalkan ni.

Jom kita contohi kehidupan peribadi agung Rasullullah S.A.W. Mula dengan bangun tidur dulu hihi.

Saturday 1 August 2015


Silap aku cuba mencari sempurna pada makhluk.
Sedangkan hanya Dia yang Maha Sempurna.

Wahai yang Maha Sempurna,
Pimpinlah hamba yang serba kekurangan ini menuju redhaMu.
Tidak ada apa-apalah aku tanpaMu.

Friday 31 July 2015

Brilliant Quotes Caught In July

  •  Almighty, grant me patience when things don't go my way. I know that You know what's best for me. Help me to accept it and be grateful. -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Be content with what Allah has given you, and you will be among the richest of people. -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • If Allah has written happiness for you, no one can steal that from you, and if He has written for your heart to break, then no one can mend it but He, so always put your trust in Allah. -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • The relationship between the husband and wife is very tender, loving and pure relationship. They are in reality the "garment" of one another. They protect each other, make each other feel comfortable, hide their faults and blemishes and ultimately beautify them! #LikeAGarment -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • When your relationship with the Almighty is weak, you'll see every small problem as massive, too big for you to handle. Strengthen the link! -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • All of Allah's Qadar is good. If only we trusted in Him as He deserves to be trusted, it would become crystal clear to us. -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • Guilt after committing a sin is a blessing from Allah. Do not betray your conscience. Allah gave you an alarm system. Do not disable it. -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • You've not developed real patience till you've a calm mind and peace in your heart. Even in the face of great agitation, you're not affected. -Mufti Ismail Menk.

  • When working for the Almighty's sake, ignore the nonsense tossed at you. Don't let others control you. Only His pleasure matters anyway! -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him. -Yasmin Mogahed

  • When everything you do is for the pleasure of the Almighty, He will provide for you endless hope. He is your sustainer. -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Blessed is the one who doesn't grieve over what he lacks but chooses to rejoice instead and thank the Almighty for what he has. -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Avoid suspicion. It can kill your marriage. Checking your spouses' phone and meddling in each other's affairs are wrong. Respect and mutual trust must surely exist. -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Perkahwinan ialah berlumba memberi. Bersama-sama buat semua perkara. Saling bertolak ansur. Berlumba beri nasihat. Berlumba kata saya salah. Berlumba kata I Love U. Berlumba gembirakan pasangan kerana Allah. -Anonymous

  • If you're able to help a person, do so happily. Know that the Almighty made that possible. He's answering the person's prayer through you. -Mufti Ismail Menk

  • Go easy on others. You never know what struggles someone is facing in their heart. -Dr. Bilal Philips

  • We are so stressed out today because we believe everything needs to happen rightnow. We forget that everything happens in His timing. -Mufti Imail Menk

Wednesday 29 July 2015

This Moment

We cannot undo the past.
And nobody promise us tomorrow.
We only have today. No, we only have this moment.
Yes this moment might be our only chance to earn good deeds.
To gain His blessings.
Let's strive for a heavy scales in the hereafter.
Let's fight for the eternal success!
And to start is now.


Saturday 18 July 2015

"Berusaha Memeluk Sempurna"

"Allah does not expect you to be perfect, but to keep showing up everytime you fall."

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Thursday 2 July 2015

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake


Hey it's Ramadhan, alhamdulillah. Happy Ramadhan peeps!
How is your Ramadhan goal doing eh? May Allah help us all in achieving our target. Ameen.

Okay, few days back when I was in the mood of baking cake I saw an awesome recipe on how to bake a Japanese Cotton Cheesecake that only requires three ingredients. Yes! Only three ingredients! I was shocked too. And so, without hesitancy I tried it out.

Let's have a look on this.
First, the ingredients.

1. Three eggs

2. 120g cream cheese

3. 120g white chocolate

Yep that's all hehe!


1. Preheat the oven to 170C (338F). Separate the eggs and place the whites in a large bowl. Let your egg whites sit in the refrigerator to keep them cold until you are ready to use them (which makes the meringue more stable).
2. Place the chocolate (broken into pieces) in a large bowl. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot water (60C/140F). Then add the cream cheese and melt them together. Remove the bowl from the double boiler, add the egg yolks, and mix well.

3. In a large bowl, whip egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. *If it's thick enough, you can turn the bowl upside down without it sliding out.

4. Add 1/3 Meringue into the cream cheese batter and blend well with a spatula. Then add the rest of the Meringue 1/2 at a time and mix well.

5. Rub some oil/butter on parchment paper (in this way, the cake can slide down when it shrinks, so you can prevent the cake from cracking). Line the round cake pan with the parchment paper. Pour the batter into the pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
6. Place the cake pan on a baking sheet. Pour some hot water into the baking sheet. Bake at 170C (338F) for 15 minutes, 160C (320F) for 15 minutes, then stop the heat and bake with the remaining heat for 15 minutes.
7. When it is done, place the cake pan on a wire rack to cool completely.

You can either serve immediately or chill in the fridge before serving! It will slightly get hard in the fridge, so leave at room temperature for a few minutes before you serve.

You can brush the cake with some apricot jam syrup and/or dust with powdered sugar (confectioner's sugar) to finish. You can serve it with whipped cream if desired.

Recipe is copied from

How does it taste like?
For me I think if I cook it a little bit more it'll be perfect!
My younger brother and sister said 'sedap!'
And the cake finished the next day.
 Is that enough for a review? Haha.

This is definitely worth a try! Happy trying! :)

Thursday 28 May 2015

The Opener:5

It is You we worship and You we ask for help.

"Ya Allah I don't want to do what I want to do anymore. I want to do what You want me to do. Because what You want me to do is better for me than what I want to do for myself. Because You are my caretaker, You love me more than I can imagine and Your love is coming all the time. Ya Allah You have been so good to me I surrender to You, I sign up."

Thursday 14 May 2015

How sincere are we to Allah?

Early morning we wake up.
To the toilet we go, wash up our face and take wuduk.
Pray Subuh.
Sit on the prayer mat.
Read His love letter.
Tasty breakfast.
Two rakaah of Dhuha prayer.
Go to work.
Driving a smart little car.
Listening to songs.
Beautiful scenery along the way.
Pray Zuhr.
Work a little bit more.
Go back.
Everyone is rushing.
To see their family at home.
Pray Asr and get ready for dinner.
Pray Maghrib.
The time between Maghrib and Isyak.
Hmm what to do?
Pray Isyak.
Another chapter of His love letter.
Al Mulk. The first ten ayah of Al Kahfi.
Scroll facebook, instagram, twitter etc.
Reply to unreplied comments.


Along the way,
How sincere are we to Allah?
How frequent do we think whether our act will be seen by Him as a good deeds or just another trash?
How much are we scared of unaccepted deeds?
Do we forget our ultimate purpose?
Who do we seek to please?

It's awesome and it's difficult.
May Allah grant us sincerity in our every single movement. May our deeds being presented to Allah in the most beautiful way.

Few tips shared by Abdul Rahman Chao in

1. Sincere Supplication

Guidance is in the hands of Allah only. Whomsoever Allah guides will never go astray. The hearts of believers are in hands of Allah. He controls it fully. Why not directly ask the one who controls your heart to make you sincere in all of your actions?

2.Doing Actions Privately

Actions that are done privately are more likely to be sincere. With people around, it is very difficult to be sincere. The believing servant of Allah should always try to hide his good deeds as well as sins from the eyes and ears of people.

3.Reflecting on the Actions of the Righteous

Do not look at the people around you for inspiration. Look to the people of the past from the pious predecessors. Reading the biographies of the companions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and stories of the righteous will increase one’s sincerity for Allah.

4.Fearing Allah’s Rejection of Your Actions

Belittling one’s good deeds will lead to perseverance and self struggle in sincerity. Preservation here means that one should not be proud and be in admiration of ones good deeds. Believing that one’s actions might be rejected by Allah will remind oneself to struggle even harder next time in assuring pure unadulterated sincerity.

5.Ignoring What People Say

One of the biggest trials to sincerity is when the heart leaps with joy when it hears the praise of other people. People will always praise the righteous and condemn the evildoer. Ignore praise and fear from evil sins. Ibn Jawzi said: "Leave what people say and erase one’s honor from their hearts through good deeds and sincerity and concealment of oneself is what raised the elevated people." The erasing of one’s honor from people heart means to not heed to how people might honor you. Although one should always strive to be loved by all, it is dangerous to think that the honor people have for you will do you any good in getting your actions accepted by Allah.

May Allah guide us along the way.


Tuesday 28 April 2015

Simple Ways To Change Ourselves

We has always wanting to change for a better.
But it's just that there's so much to do in changing ourselves.
We want to change and we want to take a big leap straight away.
And this would be the most common reason for procrastination.

Allah likes consistent deeds, no matter whether it's small or big.
Why don't we start with a simple change first?
It's simple but will give a big effect in our daily life.

These are few simple ways to change ourselves:
1. Sleep early, put away the phone
2. Wake up early
3. Pray Subuh
4. Sit on the praying mat for a while after solah and praise Him
5. Force ourselves out of bed, just like when we force ourselves to wake up for work
6. When dressing up, look into the mirror and ask whether Allah is please with what we are wearing
7. When we are eating or drinking, look at the foods and remember who is the one giving us the food ie Allah
8. Arrive at workplace at least 5 minutes earlier
9. Do not be among those who is always rushing
10. Drive courteously. Give way, smile
11. When we go to work, do what we are suppose to do
12. Smile. To friends, strangers and especially to family. Go back home with a smile even though we have just had a bad time at work that day
13. Become the asset of our family
14. Make things easy for people

Sounds easy right?
Let's give it a try! :)

Monday 27 April 2015


Life gets a little crazy at times.
I used to feel that everything was right in track.
Too bad that feeling didn't last long.
Suddenly things fell apart.
Time to decide which way to go.
What to be gathered.
And what to be left behind.

In this situation,

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Oreo Truffle


Few days back I saw an awesome video on how to make an oreo truffle. Well, it looks easy in the video and so I give it a try. Mine doesn't look as good as in the video though. Hihi.

Ok this is how my oreo truffle looks like.
Hey, ignore the weird shape okay.

There were few mistakes I made in making this oreo truffle. I'll tell them later.
Ok, let's start cookin' :P

First the ingredient. Very simple.
1. Oreo biscuits (depends on own favourite taste but double stuff oreo is preferable as it has more cream)

2. Cream cheese

3. Cooking chocolate

Ok that's all! :)

First step is to blend the double stuff oreo using a food processor.
My first mistake here is that I don't have a proper food processor. I just use my mother's cooking blender. This doesn't blend the cookies well as it need to be. It's quite troublesome but I had to break the unbroken pieces down using my hand.
Well don't worry, having a good food processor will do. After making sure all the oreo biscuits has now broken down into powder, add in the cream cheese. Amount? Emm as you like. For me, I put half of the cream cheese from the above picture with 3 rolls of double stuff oreo.

Then I mix it well using my hand.
It will then look like this..

Ok next step is to shape it into a ball shape. Arrange in a baking container.

Ok now it's time to melt the cooking chocolate. You can use either white or dark chocolate.

Ok my second mistake here is I just straight away melt the cooking chocolate. I didn't add in some butter. So the melted cooking chocolate is a bit thick, and too sweet hihi.

Next, wrapped the ball-shaped oreo with the melted cooking chocolate.

Then arrange it back on the baking container.

You can choose either to wrap it properly or just partially as the picture above.
Then put it in the fridge for about 30 to 60 minutes.

Oreo truffles is ready!
For the topping of each truffles, you can use your own creativity ;P

This is the first batch. I made the second batch today. This time using a dark cooking chocolate added with some butter. And yeah it tastes better.

Well that's all.
Happy trying!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tips of Being Awesome #3


Ok here's the next tips.

Tips of Being Awesome #3: Control our focus

We tend to get easily distracted with something that we think is important but is not. Take a moment and recall back, in a day what is the thing that occupy our mind the most. Is it really important? It's an individual decision.

Here let's talk as a Muslim. As a Muslim, our priority is only one. Allah. His blessings, His forgiveness, His love. These are the most important thing in a Muslim's life. We know that this world is just a station before we reach our final destination, and for us to arrive at our final destination successfully, we need Allah's forgiveness, blessings and love. Yeah we do.

Unfortunately, the mind does not revolve around this matter frequent enough. If we like a guy or a girl, we tend to think about them almost every minute. What is he doing? Will I meet her today? Does he like me? What does she think of me? Or, if we are very obsessed with a movie or a game, we just could not stop thinking about it. Well, I think this is not awesome.

Let's control our focus and aim only for Allah.

Hey that does not mean we should not think of our family, career, work, future etc. We have to think about it but in a different way. Connect them all to Allah. Find a reason to gain Allah's blessings in all these aspects. Do the best in each one. Focus.

May Allah helps us to purify our mind.
Innsyaa Allah.

Monday 26 January 2015

Keep on struggling


"If it hurts then it's not a real love. Find one."